Wordpress Installation

Will there be a problem if I manually install wordpress in the directory for static sites? I 'm hoping if it can be done.


Considering how heavily Wordpress relies on PHP, I’d recommend against it.

@blinkingline MIAB supports PHP - It’s MySQL that would be an issue since it’s not installed on MIAB

@Moderndayfreak I would use an external server, and add an “A” record for domain.com (do not input a subdomain) that points to the external server.

I don’t really use nginx, which is what MIAB uses, but I would configure it to put it on another directory separate from Mail in a Box.
MySQL isn’t really a problem. MIAB uses SQL Lite files instead of servers, so installing MySQL on your box really shouldn’t be a problem.

Wordpress relying on PHP isn’t much of a problem either, I would imagine. Since I’ve never really run anything but Apache, I wouldn’t know how nginx handles Apache, but I imagine it’s possible.

Just remember that everyone else is running their mail on its own dedicated box, and it is the official, community-supported way of managing your mail, so you are stepping outside of what is recommended by adding a Wordpress site to your box. It’s possible though. You just might break something.

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I don’t really use nginx, which is what MIAB uses, but I would configure it to put it on another directory separate from Mail in a Box.

Directory is irrelevant

Wordpress relying on PHP isn’t much of a problem either, I would imagine. Since I’ve never really run anything but Apache, I wouldn’t know how nginx handles Apache, but I imagine it’s possible.

It is possible to run Apache and Nginx side by side - however they cannot consume the same ports (nginx in this case MUST keep 80 & 443 (http & https default ports) which means running a website in apache will not work as expected for people who do not know how to switch ports in their browser)

MySQL isn’t really a problem. MIAB uses SQL Lite files instead of servers, so installing MySQL on your box really shouldn’t be a problem.

MIAB does not support installing MySQL - Ubuntu must be kept as-is in this case in order to get support from the developer.

Therefore, the only viable option is a second server for wordpress.

My suggestion is to install wordpress on another box and have your MIAB instance point the DNS to the other box. Keep it simple, keep it separate.


Could not have said it better myself.

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It’s doable.

Install mariadb first and run the secure install script. Then configure nginx to use php on that domain, and add this fix.

Before installing wordpress be sure to create a mysql user/password/database too.

Hello, just installed wordpress on computer with MIAB.
There is no problem with nginx. Wordpress can work with it. It means you don’t need Apache
There is no problem to install a database server. mySQL or MariaDB

Generally I have followed these instructions:

But I have choosen the MIAB www folder to install WordPress

What I have done extra:
I have removed the same records which exist in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/wordpress.conf from /etc/nginx/conf.d/local.conf to avoid duplicates.
I have searched in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/wordpress.conf records like:
"try_files " and replaced them on “try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args;”

Please pay attention that nginx config records are relevant only to port 443, not 80. (in the instruction above there is wordpress.conf configuration only for port 80)
It means that only that records will change which are inside the following block:

server {
listen 443 ssl http2;
listen [::]:443 ssl http2;

    root /home/user-data/www/example.com;
        index index.php index.html;
        server_name example.com;

And don’t forget to restart ngnix after all amendments in config.
sudo service ngnix restart.

Hope it will help.

I tried to install Wordpress and my entire OS got messed up :frowning:
I advise to very careful or you could lose data.