V69a (July 21, 2024)

Just upgraded to v69a on my Home hosted (VDSL2 80/20) and VPS MIAB and all works.

Thank you @JoshData and all the other contributors to this project :wink:

The older setup of MIAB still throws up the ERROR related to Nextcloud:
Error: stepping, UNIQUE constraint failed: oc_users_external.uid, oc_users_external.backend (19)
and I know it has been discussed here, but I just did not have time to try fixing it โ€ฆ

Got this today:

โœ– A new version of Mail-in-a-Box is available. You are running version v69a. The latest version is v**69b**. For upgrade instructions, see https://mailinabox.email.

Checking for NEW version

and v69a is still showing to be the LATEST โ€ฆ

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