Using MIAB as SMTP relay with ssmtp

I’ve been using MIAB for a month or so now and it’s great. After I bypassed the greylisting delay it was perfect :sunglasses:

I’ve seen posts about using it as an SMTP relay for other servers, and currently I’m using ssmtp with gmail and it works great. But I’d much rather use my Box. But when I change the ssmtp.conf, replacing the gmail info with MIAB, I get this error when attempting to send mail: (from mail.err) in Debian:
Nov 24 09:45:17 barcelona sSMTP[20604]: Authorization failed (535 5.7.8 Error: authentication failed: UGFzc3dvcmQ6)

I don’t know if that’s related to STARTTLS or something else. I know the credentials are correct. Has anyone used ssmtp with MIAB that knows about this?


If your target is to use SMTP relay for transactional email and not for bulk marketing though your ‘other’ servers, I would recommend you tu use something like SendGrid > 10000 mails/month or SMTP2Go - 1000 mails/month to start with at no cost… Doing It that way will reduce possibilities of / protect your domain and/or IP to be downrated by antispam filters at given time.

Thanks for the reply. I am definitely not looking for bulk here, just usually 2 or three emails day from cron and logs, etc. I’m certainly not a fan of bulk mailing and not looking for that! I’ll check into those programs, they would be excellent for my needs. I’m just confused why gmail would work with ssmtp but not MIAB … I’m sure it’s cert or security related, but anyhow those services at no cost sound great.


Note I didn’t said could not be done by using a MiaB hosted email address… Just why to risk your domain/ IP reputation mostly having mentioned free services available to be used as a shield at no cost. You’re welcome, glad that helps you.

Yes the domain reputation is important … I would sure hate for it get blacklisted for some reason. I think for the time being I’ll just use google’s relay and leave my Box alone :slight_smile: Thanks for your help.