Upgraded to v29 but Nextcloud still on version 12


I have just upgraded to v29 but my Nexcloud has stayed on version 12, anyone else having the same issue?

mine upgraded to 13 just fine (notifying me about a newer 13.x.x version being available on login though).

Did you reboot the server after update? maybe nextcloud service did not restart on installation and v12 kept running

Thanks Kimusan,

I found the problem it was an ID10T error code.


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Was it anything that the rest of us ID10T’s might repeat? :smiley:

I ran “sudo mailinabox” and made a cup of tea, rather than “curl -s https://mailinabox.email/setup.sh | sudo bash” and actually pay attention to the output.

I hang my sorry head in shame.


I may or may not have done the same thing before… hahah :smiley: