Upgrade to v0.18 - contacts missing

After performing an update to v0.18, my contacts in Roundcube are no longer visible. Thought I’d report this in case someone else has the same. I did not notice any errors reported and in fact see:

Updated to
Update successful

Exactly the same here, upgrade to 0.18, contacts missing and some preferences initialised

Did either of you do anything non-standard to Roundcube?

I have some filters, otherwise all completely standard. I noticed it also changed my default layout in Roundcube for the mail column titles (i.e. From, Subject, Read/Unread icon).

It sounds like /home/user-data/mail/roundcube/roundcube.sqlite might have gotten deleted/reset. You could try restoring just that file from a backup to see if things go back to normal. But I really don’t know why that would have happened - that file isn’t touched at all during setup.

Nothing non-standard, I have many filters which are all OK. Some, but not all preferences have been reset, as was the skin - back to classic (default) instead of Larry

Looking into this file (roundcube.sqlite), I can actually still see my contacts in the contacts table. So they are there, just not displaying in Roundcube.

Yeah I know what the problem is now… Ugh. I think it was this change:


We’re now telling roundcube that users are on the system “” rather than “localhost”, and so Roundcube is making new user accounts in its database.

I can confirm when I look into users table, I see a new user with instead of the previous user that was localhost.

Ok I’ve pushed v0.18b, which reverts that change so that you go back to your old user account.

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Upgraded to 0.18b and contacts are back as expected. Thank you.

Great! Thanks for reporting back. Sorry about the issue.

All good here too, thanks

I just upgraded from 0.17c directly to 0.18b and I’m seeing the same problem. Exact same at the others - no custom config, only some sieve filters implemented in roundcube, but they’re gone.

Edit to add: I just looked in the /home/user-data/mail/roundcube/roundcube.sqlite file and I’m seeing lots of entries tagged as localhost, and no entries tagged as

On a lark I just tried sending myself a message - it appears the sieve filters are still working (and they are definitely in the sqlite file) … I just can’t see them in roundcube.

@joshdata Why was v0.18 released without any “audit” (like an Pre-Release with an “Please Test” - Announcement) for the guys on GitHub :confused:

Maybe then we would have found the bug before it was in an production enviroment :grin:

However - Great work :thumbsup:

Yeah, my bad. I had judged the commits to be low risk and I had thought I tested things well enough.

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Can you Update the Website and Tweet about v0.18 aswell? It is a bit confusing that the version you install is not the same referenced on the Website (especially with the changelog!) :wink:

If you need help - I’ve enough time to take some tasks and responsibility :muscle:

Thanks for the reminder. Just tweeted.