Trying to migrate from a box running Ubuntu 18.04 to one running 22.04

I just did a similar upgrade last night from 18.04 to 22.04 LTS. No real problems.

First make sure all 18.04 packages are fully updated and that you have the latest MIAB version for 18.04 (I believe it was 0.57b)

Then follow these steps from @mouse :slight_smile:

If you, during the final update of MIAB, hits an error about some python “blinker”, the do the following:

apt remove python3-blinker
sudo /usr/local/lib/mailinabox/env/bin/pip install --upgrade rtyaml "email_validator>=1.0.0" "exclusiveprocess" flask dnspython python-dateutil expiringdict gunicorn         qrcode[pil] pyotp "idna>=2.0.0" "cryptography==37.0.2" psutil postfix-mta-sts-resolver b2sdk boto3

Then run the mailinabox installation again and it should all go smoothly

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