Spampd: Bayes DB permission denied

Hi there,

I’ve found a small, little glitch in relation to folder / file permissions on a standard installation of MIAB 0.13b.

Oct 25 12:35:45 mail spampd[25794]: bayes: cannot open bayes databases /home/user-data/mail/spamassassin/bayes_* R/O: tie failed: Permission denied#012
Oct 25 12:35:45 mail spampd[25794]: bayes: cannot open bayes databases /home/user-data/mail/spamassassin/bayes_* R/W: tie failed: Permission denied#012

root@mail:~# ls -lah /home/user-data/mail/spamassassin/
total 2.6M
drwxrwx— 2 spampd spampd 4.0K Oct 25 12:56 .
drwxrwxr-x 7 root www-data 4.0K Oct 22 14:40 …
-rw-rw---- 1 spampd spampd 640K Oct 25 12:56 bayes_seen
-rw------- 1 mail mail 2.3M Oct 25 12:56 bayes_toks

All the best, Tim

Please see:

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Thanks, that did the trick. So easy … :smiley: