Hi guys,
my mail server does not sign outgoing mails with DKIM, probably since the move to another box. The DNS entries still exists and are correct. The server runs since autumn.
Is there something I can or must do, to reactivate DKIM-signing?
Thanks in you in advance and best regards,
After running curl -s https://mailinabox.email/setup.sh | sudo bash I get an error message:
Command '['/usr/bin/ldns-signzone', '-e', '20240824', '-n', '/etc/nsd/zones/twiceware.cloud.txt', '/tmp/Ktwiceware.cloud.+013+33050', '/tmp/Ktwiceware.cloud.+013+03457', '/tmp/Ktwiceware.cloud.+008+14395', '/tmp/Ktwiceware.cloud.+008+01419', '/tmp/Ktwiceware.cloud.+007+49389', '/tmp/Ktwiceware.cloud.+007+49352']' returned non-zero exit status 1.
There were two entries under Custom-DNS, which meant that DNS-Update did not run and the emails were not signed.
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September 3, 2024, 12:21pm
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