I first installed Ubuntu 22.04 LTS on my Asus eee PC netbook that has 1GB RAM and a 250GB hard disk drive.
After the installation of the OS completed, I decided to note I have one private IPv4, one public IPv4 (which is really the IPv4 address of the ISP’s NAT router), and one public IPv6 address (which is my gateway to the Internet).
I do love Miab as it is the only solution that comes with built-in custom DNS and I have my very own custom IPv6 DNS server and I can host any domain.
I can receive email from any IPv6 address.
I wanted to test Miab, so I went to ICANN website and opted to sign up for an account, so I can receive my first verification email from ICANN, and yes, ICANN supports IPv6 and I received the verification email in my IPv6 mail server powered by Miab.
However, this discourse forum does not support IPv6 and I would like to advise Joshua Tauberer (JoshData) to change to a better cloud hosting provider that supports IPv6 instead of Rimu Hosting. Many of us try to sign up for account with this discourse forum but do not get the verification email Please kindly fix this problem by changing to a cloud hosting provider that supports IPv6.
However, there is a small bug as Miab prefers IPv4 or IPv6 and if I try to send email it uses my NATed IPv4 IP address (detected as Public IPv4 address but it is not), which is in Spamhaus Policy Black List (PBL). My Public IPv6 address is NOT in any Spam Haus Black List, especially the famous PBL.
I suggest Miab developers, especially JoshData can opt to prefer IPv6 over IPv4 in future versions.
I look forward to hear from you.