Select day for full backup


Is there some way to force MIAB to run the full backup on a weekend morning instead of a weekday morning? We’re up earlier on weekdays and on my VPS, a full backup this morning took 20 minutes. Incrementals take much less time.

Alternatively, rather than running it as a cron.daily job could it be run as a cron.d job, starting at say 3am when most people are sleeping?


No exactly, but see

Moving it to cron.d so the time is more easily configurable makes total sense - we should do that. If you can submit a pull request to do that, even better. The thing is, the box doesn’t know what time zone it’s in (it’s usually configured for UTC, and if not should be), so we can’t know ahead of time what time will be best for the user.

So why is it that time should be configured as UTC? There appear to be a variety of opinions on the interweb with no clear consensus. I have been using localtime since my first server and have only run into problems because an ntp server I was syncing to disappeared.

If the box is configured as UTC, wouldn’t your setup script need to ask for the local time zone and store it in a configuration file somewhere?

I’m happy to try to put together a pull request – that would be my first ever. Which script configures /etc/cron.daily/mailinabox-backup?

I like consistency. Maybe that’s all.

If the box is configured as UTC, wouldn’t your setup script need to ask for the local time zone and store it in a configuration file somewhere?

Depends on what you’re thinking the next step is.

Which script configures /etc/cron.daily/mailinabox-backup?

Submitted pull request to set back for 3:00am. TZ issue not decided yet.

Thanks! Let’s continue the discussion there. (It’ll take me some time to get to it.)