I’m finally taking the plunge to move from my MIAB V0.28 Ubuntu 14.04 to MAIB V0.51 Ubuntu 18.04. yes I know, I am not only late to the party, the party is well over, the cleaning is all done and they’ve moved home without leaving a forwarding address. In my defence, we were tied into a container running Ubuntu 14.04 for a number of years and it never quite worked out for when to move. Also MIAB just worked so no big deal.
So we’re preparing for our move, we have a number of mail domains and a number of web services and around 20GB of mail. We have a new server to move into as we cannot upgrade the container to a newer version of the OS. So we’ve rebuilt it five times to day before discovering that unless the locale is US whatever, MIAB will not install. It won’t install with en_GB, we know that!
Anyway, we’re testing out the whole install and copying of backup files a few times to make sure it works and it works easily with zero hassles. We have a couple of questions that we hope somebody can help with around how we name and manage the DNS/hostname/certficates during the move. This may become obvious as we test, but we want to make sure we do it right first time on the night.
We’ve created a second server with Ubuntu 18.04 on it. We’ve changed the locale to en_US or whatever and we have an install. We’ve called the server box2.<host_domain>. Our original box was called box.<host_domain>. We’re expecting to have to change the hostname from box2.<host_domain> to box.<host_domain> as one of the last things we do on the night. We know how to change the hostname, but we’re worried about what the chnage of hostname will have on MIAB and LetsEncrypt. Our assumption is that we will have to redo the LetsEncrypt work to get new certs on the night and so we need to make ssure we haven’t run out of capacity to do this.
Whats the impact on MIAB on changing the hostname please?
Do we simply run the LetEncrypt certficiate generation again?
We will get the ISP to change the IP address over from the old server to the new server on the night. Do we have to regenerate anything on MIAB? Run the setup again?
All the DKIM stuff on DNS is working, Do we have to regenerate that again, or can we live it as-is as the IP address and hostname will be the same (eventually)?
We’re OK with most of the other stuff but any help and advice on this most welcome. It does help to find the secret backup key as well
All the best