Restoring backup files - SOLVED

I wanted try how the backup and restore works and if it does.

  1. I hve backed up and copied all the files from /home/user-data/backup/encrypted to network NAS that my VPS provider offers located at /mnt/NAS/.MIAB/20170726.1537/backup/encrypted

  2. Then I reinstalled the VPS, run the Install script “curl -s | sudo bash” and

  3. Now I wanted to restore the the backup with the following commands:
    cd /mnt/NAS/.MIAB/20170726.1537/backup
    export PASSPHRASE=$(cat secret_key.txt)
    sudo -E duplicity restore file:///mnt/NAS/.MIAB/20170726.1537/backup/encrypted /home/user-data/

But I get msg. that it can not be done, see below:
Restore destination directory /home/user-data already exists.
Will not overwrite.

Found the answer. SOLVED


Thanks for posting the answer

So @box to be picky the command you would’ve used would have been.

- sudo -E duplicity restore file:///mnt/NAS/.MIAB/20170726.1537/backup/encrypted /home/user-data/
+ sudo -E duplicity restore --force file:///mnt/NAS/.MIAB/20170726.1537/backup/encrypted /home/user-data/