Resolved: Still struggling with Let's Encrypt auto-renewal

Posted a few months back with the error:

Something unexpected went wrong: Error creating new cert :: Too many certificates already issued for exact set of domains:

Still getting the same problem. I originally setup Let’s Encrypt via before it became available through the web admin on MiaB. Although the certificates issued via that website have long since expired, is it possible this is blocking me from automatically renewing through MiaB interface?

I could use some help on this one.

It looks like you are being rate limited. This won’t solve it but it would be interesting to see the output.

management/ --force

This link has some more info on the limits and how to check issued certs:

Output from /management/ --force

"Something unexpected went wrong: Error creating new cert :: Too many certificates already issued for exact set of domains:" <domain list>

There’s 5 domains total, but that doesn’t seem to be enough to trigger a rate limit according to Let’s Encrypt? It’s also not a short-term thing: this has been ongoing for weeks (months?).

UPDATE: OK, so I had a loot at & it looks like I’ve got certificates being issued every day… but I can’t find where and they’re obviously not being installed. Ugh. Where to look?


Fresh VM & restore from backup fixed the problem. :blush:

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