Remove or edit "Get support" link on the Roundcube mail landing page

As the title says, I’m looking to either remove or edit the “Get support” link that leads to mailinabox(dot)email website on the Roundcube landing page for mydomain(dot)com/mail

Where could this be edited at? I’ve searched, but can’t find the correct file.

It is not a good idea to mess with it. It will not survive any updates.

Read here about the path

And google Personilize roundcube login page.
You are own your own!

Thank you. Yes, I figured the edit would not survive the update. That’s fine. It’s a small change. I can edit it after every update.

Do you know which file can be edited to change the link? The article you linked to is old. The file is no longer in that place + a person mentioned .php link is not edited in that file.

I suppose it is login.html DO MAKE A COPY OF IT before proceeding

If you mess it up reinstall by running mailinabox

Thank you! Yes, that was it :grinning:

For Google people finding this post, to remove the mailinabox URL on the webmail login page, go to this folder:


Find the file login.html

Remove ONLY the following:
<a href="<roundcube:var name='config:support_url' />" target="_blank" class="support-link"><roundcube:label name="support" /></a>

My spidey senses told me this was it. If you know basic HTML language skills, you know that <a href=" > </a> tags are for URLs.

After removing only those tags, the link is GONE from the webmail login page.

Pretty cool! I was able to edit the logo and remove the “” on the bottom as well. I also added a “Homepage” link to take me back to the homepage. Check out what it looks like now here: Imgur: The magic of the Internet

Thank you, vele! Issued resolved.

An alternative (and perhaps more resistent?) way is to edit the roundcube configuration in /usr/local/lib/roundcube/config/ This will also not survive an update, but it’s the Roundcube supported way to do this stuff. E.g. look at $config['support_url'] for chaning the URL you mention.

This was my idea in the first place.
People who want to remove it and sell it as their own system should remeber that MIAB is a collabiration for self hosted NSA-proof email. Although @MXDNS now enquires in another post that messages are not encrypted as stored on the volume.
@MXDNS what is the purpose of deleting the support link?

Definitely not NSA proof :wink:

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Definitely not selling this. It’s only to host my email and my husband’s.

A. I don’t like link backs.
B. Now it tells people what I’m using, so if there’s a vulnerability, it’s a little easier for them to find out. Just like WordPress when people leave the admin link the default /wp-admin
C. Because I can :slight_smile: