Owncloud file encryption

Are there any disadvantages for enabling Encryption in Owncloud?

As I am reading through the owncloud manual, this only covers for files stored on the server:

As MailInABox is not trying to protect the server from physical access, it doesn’t concern me that the files still can be accessed when someone has root access.

It could be that when upgrading to newer versions, some things break:
The encryption backend has changed in ownCloud 8.1, so you must take some additional steps to migrate encryption correctly. If you do not follow these steps you may not be able to access your files.

So it might not be the best choice I guess?

I asked this question some time ago. This involves encrypting the whole file system.

Maybe, this’ll help. Good luck!

You can manually install the file encryption addon in OwnCloud without drive encryption.
you will need to edit the owncloud config.
But I can see this breaking in future updates.

I ran @JoshData’s script to unlock the OwnCloud admin account and the only two changes I made were enable file encryption in owncloud & I turned off “Federated Cloud Sharing” because server-to-server sharing seems creepy to me & I didn’t want people randomly doing that — I hope it doesn’t break anything. If it does I’ll revert to fresh install and honor Josh’s don’t touch anything in there.