Odd numbers in usage report user logins per hour

Hi there.
I’ve been looking over my usage reports. Under the section “User logins per hour” I have some strange numbers as shown below.

grepping in the mail logs for those users shows nowhere near that number of logins: an order of magnitude or two out.

User logins per hour

                                imap │ timespan

aaa@xxx.com 233.6 │ 21:57 - 22:07
bbb@xxx.com 2925.0 │ 21:56 - 21:57
ccc@xxx.com 8.7 │ 7.0 days
Totals: 3167.3 │ 6.96 days

Should I be concerned?


If I look on my usage reports, I also have the same thing. Not sure where these numbers come from, but I don’t think they’re correct

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I see the same and I think it is actually a bug happening if a use has only logged in once that month. The calculations somehow gets skewed

It is a normal number. If you are logged on a browser and your phone it will double.
Run tail -f /var/log/mail.log
And see how much imap activity there is in real time. The usage report tells you exactly that.

notice the bbb@xxx line in the example. It has almost 3000 logins within 1 minute…thats not likely.

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I looked in the mail log at the time - and there was nothing to indicate this activity.

Here is how the report looks like: It is a 7 day period. But when there is a peak it seems it calculates some stupid average.
Mine range in the 1500 for 1 user. I use 1 browser and 3 other device clients for IMAP.

If you are concerned about the number of messages sent from this user see how many messages really sent. I don;t see smtp next to imap in your report. Look for status=sent.
In terminal:

cat /var/log/mail.log | grep “postfix/smtp” | grep -P ‘status=’

The mail.log file is current week log. Other weeks mail.log are compressed in the same directory, if this is an older case.

User logins per hour

                                imap smtp │ timespan

cccc@ccc.org 1294.3 0.1 │ 7.0 days
Totals: 1294.3 0.1 │ 6.96 days

Here is another funny one with a stupendous number:

User logins per hour

                                imap smtp │ timespan

care@xxxx 600.0 0.0 │ 10:37 - 10:39
kocev@xxxx 1347.0 0.1 │ 7.0 days
newuser@vxxx 1180.3 59.0 │ 10:39 - 10:40
Totals: 3127.3 59.1 │ 6.96 days

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