As the title says, I upgraded to v71 on 7 January as recommended by my status checks email, and that was the last status checks email got when I would expect to get one per day or so. I last received a mailbox usage email on 13 January so that might be unaffected. No settings or config was changed, I only did the upgrade as per the documentation and have done version upgrades n the past. Has anyone else had this issue or something similar?
There are only emails if something changed from the last email, so if there’s no email hopefully that means everything is good!
It definitely isn’t. I’ve had to manually check for updates and I should have been getting emails about the “dns is [not set]” bug at the very least. As I said, I used to get emails daily and now nothing for over a week after updating to v71.
Check the output of sudo journalctl -u mailinabox
if there’s an error collecting the mails it might be shown there.
Cheers. Just checked and I’m not seeing any issues there. If anyone has the same or similar issue, please let me know.
It might just be like Josh said:
There are only emails if something changed from the last email
So if there’s an error, and the error remains, no mail is sent.
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