Letsencrypt expired, and dns errors

doing a bit contribution here. Trying to add something to my old topic which was closed.

Following this guide, you can use /domain/mail, /domain/admin, /domain/cloud, instead of box.domain/cloud,…

  1. before upgrade, restore back original files:
    backup current working files

  2. modify the above two to achieve the following,
    **modify to use f2f10/mail, /cloud, /admin ,instead of box.f2f10.com/cloud & admin

    move all configurations from nginx-primaryonly.conf to nginx-alldomains.conf;
    and restrict /admin accessed by local subnet only.

    location /admin/ {
    deny all;

  3. #modify nextcloud allowed domains…
    ‘trusted_domains’ =>
    array (
    0 => ‘f2f10.com’,
    1 => ‘voicestream.ca’,

important step***
##regenerate /etc/nginx/conf.d/local.conf based on above changed templates…
sudo service postfix reload
sudo service nginx restart

good luck…