How to renew gandi ssl certificate?


Though this is an old topic, it may be useful to answer for anyone searching for it in the present.
My server setup is:
Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.13.0-68-generic x86_64)
PHP 5.5.9-1ubuntu4.22

I wrote a tut list for myself for next years renewal, so here it is:

  1. log into gandi:
  2. ssl/renew ssl
  3. make sure we have enough cash on your account
  4. log into the server
  5. sudo su root
  6. openssl req -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -sha256 -keyout myserver.key -out server.csr
  7. download the generated server.csr from the directory it was generated in
  8. scp username@servername_or_IP:/home/user-data/ssl/server.csr /home/place_on_local-machine_to _download_to
  9. copy server.csr contents into gandi input field
  10. submit
  11. wait for payment to be made
  12. select verify by email if domain needs verification (
  13. verify according to email
  14. download generated cert (get on gandi)and intermediate cert
  15. create new .pem file by placing cert + intermediate cert under
  16. copy new cert onto server to: /home/user-data/ssl/
  17. create symlink like so: ln -s /home/user-data/ssl/newly_created_file_with_expiry_date.pem /home/user-data/ssl/ssl_certificate.pem
  18. check if all is well: https://your_mailinabox_domain/admin#system_status
    Result: ✓ TLS (SSL) certificate is signed & valid. The certificate expires in 368 days