How to install Ubuntu 22.04 on Contabo?

What are the steps for those who have a contabo account? During installation, the error appears:
“sudo: unable to resolve host Name or service not known”

And at the end it appears:
<!doctype html>

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request. Either the server is overloaded or there is an error in the application.

Is your DNS setup OK?

I am on contabo and you need to enable ipv6 first. There is a help article on that.
After this it is smooth sailing.

I just had the same “500 internal server error”… .very cryptic situation.

Too bad the install doesn’t instead say “Hey, set up ipv6 and then try again”

Too bad the install doesn’t instead say “Hey, set up ipv6

A normal Ubuntu 22.04 install does have IPv6 setup. You struck one of the providers who supply a broken image :roll_eyes:

Thanks, I’ll look into how to configure IPv6.

Click on the link above ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

I’ve hit the same issue, I did notice that IPv6 was disabled before the install. But the instructions state that we should disable IPv6

If you have a choice, choose a location for your machine that is near you — it’ll be faster! And if disabling IPv6 is an option, disable it.

I’ve enabled IPv6 and I’m still getting the 500 error, time to trawl some logs.

I’ve reinstalled the OS, enabled IPV6 and started again and all has worked fine this time :slight_smile:

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