How to import the mymail.mbox file to the server?

I’m trying to do it in rouncube - but it says Error, and what exactly is the error and there is no more data.
The file is large, about 5.6 Gb
I read here on the forum that people had similar problems, but can this be done somehow using standard means?

To do directly what you are trying, you might have to change the client_max_body_size parameter in the nginx configuration (located under /etc/nginx/conf.d/local.conf) I believe it is set to 128M so you can adjust it to 10G or something like that. Simply replacing all of them is easiest as the changes will be removed every day when the daily tasks are run. You’ll need to restart nginx


  • If you still have access to the original box, you might try
  • You can also import the mbox file in a mail client like Thunderbird, then drag and drop them to the new mailbox.

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