How to clean Miab and free some space


my mail-in-a-box is growing.
How to clean ?

root@box:/home/feydreva# du -ah / | sort -rh | head -20  

16G     /  
11G     /home  
9.7G    /home/user-data  
4.9G    /home/user-data/backup  
4.7G    /home/user-data/backup/encrypted  
3.5G    /usr  
3.4G    /home/user-data/owncloud-backup  
2.0G    /usr/lib  
1.3G    /var  
1.2G    /home/user-data/mail/mailboxes  
1.2G    /home/user-data/mail  
1.1G    /usr/lib/firmware  
1.1G    /home/user-data/mail/mailboxes/  
1.1G    /home/user-data/mail/mailboxes/  
885M    /usr/local/lib  
885M    /usr/local  
842M    /home/feydreva  
752M    /home/feydreva/restaure/MailInABox/encrypted  
752M    /home/feydreva/restaure/MailInABox  
752M    /home/feydreva/restaure

root@box:/home/feydreva# du -sh /home/user-data/* | sort -rh  
4.9G    /home/user-data/backup  
3.4G    /home/user-data/owncloud-backup  
1.2G    /home/user-data/mail  
234M    /home/user-data/owncloud  
340K    /home/user-data/ssl  
124K    /home/user-data/dns  
16K     /home/user-data/www  
4.0K    /home/user-data/settings.yaml  
4.0K    /home/user-data/mailinabox.version

Looks like most of the space is taken by backups.
I checked the /home/user-data/owncloud-backup folder last backup was 2024-10-29
Not sure when theses are created . Any idea ?

I would also like to clean the backup in /home/user-data/backup/encrypted
But I am notr sure on how to do that wityh duplicity in place. where to start ?

Thank you for your help :slight_smile:

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If I look at my duplicity collection status, chain starts 2024-11-17
that s more than 28 days…
102 backups sets, and 109 volumes

any idea on how to clean this ?

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No advice on the duplicity backups.
The owncloud-backups are created on an update of Nextcloud. If it is running ok, you can delete those.
To clean up /var/log/journal use sudo journalctl --vacuum-time=10days

There might be more advice, search in the forum, there have been topics on this before.

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Would it be easier to just delete (back up before deleting) the current ones and start from scratch if you want to use Duplicity to back up your MIAB as I suspect something did not go to plan between version upgrades maybe … ?