Fail2ban blocking me

A few reasons:

  1. Your computer or mobile device is compromised and someone is using it to brute force or otherwise try to access your email.

  2. A device on your network (might not even be yours) could have malicous intent in the form of infection or local hacker (in the case of wireless with low-security like WEP or small password.)

  3. You have an old device on your network still using an older password, and as it tried to sync to your remote MIAB server, it gets your IP blacklisted.

Just to name a couple. Login to each device in your home / office (where ever the IP is located) and change your password to match everywhere. Even if you think your email is not on a device, doublecheck, you would be amazed at how many time’s during my help desk days where a user calls in, “I can’t sign in!” and they almost always have the same issue: they changed a password within the last 30 days that they forgot to change on an old device that is in sleep mode ina drawer somewhere.

Good luck!