Hey Y’all,
I’m attempting to change my hostname from “mailserver.MYDOMAIN.com” to “mail.MYDOMAIN.com”. From what I gathered on Google, simply running “sudo mailinabox” should’ve been enough. However when I run that command, I get the following error:
Updating system packages…
FAILED: apt-get -y -o Dpkg::Options::=–force-confdef -o Dpkg::Options::=–force-confnew upgrade
Reading package lists…
Building dependency tree…
Reading state information…
You might want to run ‘apt-get -f install’ to correct these.
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
libpython-stdlib : Depends: libpython2.7-stdlib (>= 2.7.15~rc1-1~) but 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.4 is installed
libpython2.7-stdlib : Depends: libpython2.7-minimal (= 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.4) but 2.7.15~rc1-1 is installed
python : Depends: python2.7 (>= 2.7.15~rc1-1~) but 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.4 is installed
python2.7 : Depends: python2.7-minimal (= 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.4) but 2.7.15~rc1-1 is installed
E: Unmet dependencies. Try using -f.
How should I proceed here?
One additional question – will changing my hostname invalidate the DKIM keys that were generated?