Certificate is expiring soon

I was just able to make it work thanks to DaveinCR !!!

here is a link to the answer

Nov '20
Hi, this is just a note for anyone else that encounters this issue. I recently moved my box to a new host/server. When the certificates came up for renewal (after the reinstall on the new server) I started to get these errors: MissingCommandlineFlag(msg)
certbot.errors.MissingCommandlineFlag: Missing command line flag or config entry for this setting:
Please choose an account

Basically, it looks like the restore moved the original certificate information and the reinstall created a new one. So, when the renewal attempted to happen it was confused about which one to use to renew. To fix, I went to /home/user-data/ssl/lets_encrypt/accounts/acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory and chose the oldest directory there (there should be 3 files in it) and moved the entire directory to a temp directory just in case it didn’t fix it. I than ran the “provision” request from inside the MIAB GUI and it ran successfully and updated the pending certificates. In case anyone else encounters this, I hope this helps.