Backup status warning, found signatures but no corresponding backup files

How do I delete old signatures?

Previously I received the error in this thread’s title, plus,

‘Fatal error: unable to start incremental backup. Old signatures not found and incremental specified Traceback…’

So I deleted the encrypted directory and secret_key.txt. This got rid of the Fatal error.

But now I just just get the ‘backup warning, found signatures but no corresponding backup files’.

Checking the encrypted directory there appears to be a duplicity-full manifest, 4 volumes, and a sigtar.gpg file.

Presumably the backup was okay and a just need to get ride of the old signatures? If so, how? Where are they?

Solved (so far anyway)

Warnings disappeared after the first warning. MIAB has completed 4 incremental backs without error/warning since the first warning. So I dunno. Seems like the issue with signatures can be fixed by doing the following:

  1. Turn off backups in the admin panel
  2. Delete existing backups (ie entire encrypted directory contents) and secret_key:
    ssh into your box and run the following commands
    rm /home/user-data/backup/encrypted/*
    rm -rf /home/user-data/backup/secret_key.txt
  3. Turn backups on again in the admin panel
  4. Wait a few days and any warnings should disappear

Do above I got one warning after the first backup (or perhaps first incremental backup) and then no warnings after that.

Good idea to backup your existing backups/secret_key before deleting anything.


If you remove the backup files from encrypted (/home/user-data/backup/encrypted) you should also clear out the cache folder (/home/user-data/backup/cache) as this is where the signature errors originate from.

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