Z-Push 502 when upgrading

Trying to upgrade to 0.27 I got the error with Z-Push with regards ssl certificates. After working around it by disabling git ssl verification I get a 502 error:

Mail-in-a-Box Version:  v0.27

Updating system packages...
Installing system packages...
Initializing system random number generator...
Firewall is active and enabled on system startup
Installing nsd (DNS server)...
Installing Postfix (SMTP server)...
Installing Dovecot (IMAP server)...
Installing OpenDKIM/OpenDMARC...
Installing SpamAssassin...
bayes: synced databases from journal in 0 seconds: 1228 unique entries (2039 total entries)
Installing Nginx (web server)...
Installing Roundcube (webmail)...
Installing Nextcloud (contacts/calendar)...
Nextcloud is already latest version
Installing Z-Push (Exchange/ActiveSync server)...
fatal: unable to access 'https://stash.z-hub.io/scm/zp/z-push.git/': The requested URL returned error: 502

If I try a simple clone, it just stays there indefinitely it seems:

git clone https://stash.z-hub.io/scm/zp/z-push.git/
fatal: unable to access 'https://stash.z-hub.io/scm/zp/z-push.git/': The requested URL returned error: 502

Does anyone else have the same issue?


Well, I think the original post has clearly indicated that he tried this. And the issue he described was exactly what showed up after his try.

I met with exactly the same issue.

I also met with the same issue. Anyone having solution to this issue?

Standing from a position of a tester, this shall obviously get classified to P0 issue and a fix shall be made overnight.

This should already be fixed in v0.28 which went up yesterday.


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