You are running version v70

Hi, I’m confused with my MIAB version.

It says I’m on V70, but that version is not on the change log anywhere.
Anyone has this version displayed as well?
My server could have been hacked and this seems like an attempt to not let me update my MIAB version.

Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS

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My MiaB also shows version V70 as that is the most recent version. You can see the changelog here: mailinabox/ at main · mail-in-a-box/mailinabox · GitHub.


It’s on this page that it is not pointing to the right release note:

Correct. That is a typo and it was mentioned to @JoshData in another post and still not corrected. Latest is v. 70.

This has bugged me in the past as well. A new version will get released, and quite literally months later, the website gets updated to reflect that…sometimes…

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