What Gets Changed On Maintenance

Hi. I’d like to install a listserve on the same server, since managing mail on two servers is bound to bite me.

But you make clear that

“you cannot modify the box after installation (configuration changes will get overwritten by the box’s self-management).”

Is there any way to see just what the overwriting would include, so that I can see if despite all it is possible to make the thing compatible?

There seems to be open discussion that implies I could get Mailman to coexist ([Solved] Does someone extent miab with Mailman), though I would prefer Groupserver

Also, not related - why do you use Postgrey (and make your own version), and not just use Postfix’s built in postgreying feature, which they claim is even more sophisticated, and comes built in?

Sure. Just read the source code for the installation:

But once you start messing things up, you are on your own!

which they claim is even more sophisticated

Do they?

Sure. Just read the source code for the installation:

Will do that. Was hoping to get a shortcut, something like “The only things that get updated are the postfix, dovecot, and hosts files”. :wink:

Postfix’s built in postgreying feature, which they claim is even more sophisticated

Do they?

They do.
While the various mail threads refer to them doing slightly different tasks, they all mention that after Postscreen is setup you either will not need Postgrey, or will have achieved the same end as Postgrey.
eg. http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.mail.postfix.user/229409

On the IRC they are much more persuasive. I used to hang out alot on #postfix about a year ago, and when Postgrey would come up, they would roundly strongly suggest that Postscreen be used instead.

Sadly it’s way more complicated than that, which is why I just tell everyone not to modify anything.

I wasn’t aware of postscreen when I set this project up. If we can drop postgrey but 1) get all of the benefits (including using DNS whitelists, as in my patch to postgrey), and 2) without making setup any more complicated, that’d be nice. I don’t really have time to look into it any time soon though.