What did I screw up? no webmail access any more [Solved; was own fault]

Getting email but not webmail. Get the following when I try…


The requested resource was not found!
Please contact your server-administrator.
Failed request: mail.mydomain.com/mail/

No problems getting https:// mail.mydomain.com/cloud/

I have repeatedly run the setup process. Doesn’t seem to help.

If there’s an issue with the nginx config, the nightly maintenance should fix it. You can run it manually running sudo tools/web_update from your mailinabox installation folder.
You can also try a restart of nginx: sudo systemctl restart nginx
Probably this won’t work as it should have been done by the setup process, but it won’t hurt to try.

Logs to check are located at /var/log/roundcubemail and /var/log/nginx.

Anything modified on the box? Which version of mailinabox is this running?

Running v68 on Ubuntu 22.04
Sorry to be a dunce but where is “mailinabox installation folder” ?
Nothing modified on the box.

[01-May-2024 07:50:09 -0700]: <306dfo0f> PHP Error: Error loading template for login in /usr/local/lib/roundcubemail/program/include/rcmail_output_html.php on line 804 (GET /mail/)

Last few lines from nginx error log…

2024/05/01 01:34:22 [error] 9508#9508: OCSP response not successful (6: unauthorized) while requesting certificate status, responder: r3.o.lencr.org, peer:, certificate: "/home/user-data/s>
2024/05/01 01:38:36 [error] 9508#9508: OCSP response not successful (6: unauthorized) while requesting certificate status, responder: r3.o.lencr.org, peer:, certificate: "/home/user-data/s>
2024/05/01 01:45:31 [error] 9508#9508: *468 open() “/home/user-data/www/default/manager/html” failed (2: No such file or directory), client:, server: mail.ppgcloud.com, request: "GET /manag>
2024/05/01 01:58:35 [error] 9508#9508: OCSP response not successful (6: unauthorized) while requesting certificate status, responder: r3.o.lencr.org, peer:, certificate: "/home/user-data/s>
2024/05/01 02:32:51 [error] 9508#9508: OCSP response not successful (6: unauthorized) while requesting certificate status, responder: r3.o.lencr.org, peer:, certificate: "/home/user-data/s>
2024/05/01 02:41:13 [error] 9508#9508: OCSP response not successful (6: unauthorized) while requesting certificate status, responder: r3.o.lencr.org, peer: [2600:1409:3c00:3::17db:4ed5]:80, certificate: "/>
2024/05/01 02:45:14 [error] 9508#9508: OCSP response not successful (6: unauthorized) while requesting certificate status, responder: r3.o.lencr.org, peer:, certificate: "/home/user-data/s>
2024/05/01 02:46:59 [error] 9508#9508: OCSP response not successful (6: unauthorized) while requesting certificate status, responder: r3.o.lencr.org, peer:, certificate: "/home/user-data/s>
2024/05/01 02:56:47 [error] 9508#9508: OCSP response not successful (6: unauthorized) while requesting certificate status, responder: r3.o.lencr.org, peer: [2600:1409:3c00:3::17db:4ec5]:80, certificate: "/>
2024/05/01 03:39:00 [error] 9508#9508: OCSP response not successful (6: unauthorized) while requesting certificate status, responder: r3.o.lencr.org, peer: [2600:1409:3c00:3::17db:4ed5]:80, certificate: "/>
2024/05/01 03:39:00 [error] 9508#9508: OCSP response not successful (6: unauthorized) while requesting certificate status, responder: r3.o.lencr.org, peer:, certificate: "/home/user-data/s>
2024/05/01 03:41:26 [error] 9508#9508: OCSP response not successful (6: unauthorized) while requesting certificate status, responder: r3.o.lencr.org, peer: [2600:1409:3c00:3::17db:4ed5]:80, certificate: "/>
2024/05/01 03:41:34 [error] 9508#9508: *605 open() “/home/user-data/www/default/documents/case_study/ppg_cs_startup_internal.html” failed (2: No such file or directory), client:, server: ppgc>
2024/05/01 03:48:04 [error] 9508#9508: *609 open() “/home/user-data/www/default/cgi-bin/luci/;stok=/locale” failed (2: No such file or directory), client:, server: mail.ppgcloud.com, request: ">
2024/05/01 03:48:04 [error] 9508#9508: *609 open() “/home/user-data/www/default/cgi-bin/luci/;stok=/locale” failed (2: No such file or directory), client:, server: mail.ppgcloud.com, request: ">
2024/05/01 03:51:20 [error] 9508#9508: *612 access forbidden by rule, client:, server: autodiscover.bentaft.com, request: “GET /.git/config HTTP/1.1”, host: “autodiscover.bentaft.com
2024/05/01 03:51:20 [error] 9508#9508: OCSP response not successful (6: unauthorized) while requesting certificate status, responder: r3.o.lencr.org, peer: [2600:1409:3c00:3::17db:4ed5]:80, certificate: "/>
2024/05/01 03:52:36 [error] 9508#9508: OCSP response not successful (6: unauthorized) while requesting certificate status, responder: r3.o.lencr.org, peer: [2600:1409:3c00:3::17db:4ec5]:80, certificate: "/>
2024/05/01 03:52:36 [error] 9508#9508: *614 access forbidden by rule, client:, server: autoconfig.ppgcloud.com, request: “GET /.git/config HTTP/1.1”, host: “autoconfig.ppgcloud.com
2024/05/01 03:57:41 [error] 9508#9508: OCSP response not successful (6: unauthorized) while requesting certificate status, responder: r3.o.lencr.org, peer:, certificate: "/home/user-data/s>
2024/05/01 03:57:41 [error] 9508#9508: *618 access forbidden by rule, client:, server: autodiscover.supplynetwork.net, request: “GET /.git/config HTTP/1.1”, host: "autodiscover.supplynetwork.n>
2024/05/01 03:58:43 [error] 9508#9508: OCSP response not successful (6: unauthorized) while requesting certificate status, responder: r3.o.lencr.org, peer:, certificate: "/home/user-data/s>
2024/05/01 04:22:12 [crit] 9508#9508: *692 SSL_do_handshake() failed (SSL: error:0A00006C:SSL routines::bad key share) while SSL handshaking, client:, server:
2024/05/01 04:26:57 [error] 9508#9508: OCSP response not successful (6: unauthorized) while requesting certificate status, responder: r3.o.lencr.org, peer:, certificate: "/home/user-data/s>
2024/05/01 04:43:18 [error] 9508#9508: OCSP response not successful (6: unauthorized) while requesting certificate status, responder: r3.o.lencr.org, peer: [2600:1409:3c00:3::17db:4ec5]:80, certificate: "/>
2024/05/01 05:09:21 [error] 9508#9508: OCSP response not successful (6: unauthorized) while requesting certificate status, responder: r3.o.lencr.org, peer: [2600:1409:3c00:3::17db:4ed5]:80, certificate: "/>
2024/05/01 05:26:28 [error] 9508#9508: *760 open() “/home/user-data/www/default/+CSCOE+/logon.html” failed (2: No such file or directory), client:, server: mail.ppgcloud.com, request: "GET /+>
2024/05/01 05:31:07 [crit] 9508#9508: *771 SSL_do_handshake() failed (SSL: error:0A00006C:SSL routines::bad key share) while SSL handshaking, client:, server:
2024/05/01 05:56:25 [error] 9508#9508: OCSP response not successful (6: unauthorized) while requesting certificate status, responder: r3.o.lencr.org, peer:, certificate: "/home/user-data/s>
2024/05/01 05:56:25 [error] 9508#9508: *789 access forbidden by rule, client:, server: mta-sts.cyberdad.org, request: “GET /.git/config HTTP/1.1”, host: “mta-sts.cyberdad.org
2024/05/01 06:12:03 [error] 9508#9508: OCSP response not successful (6: unauthorized) while requesting certificate status, responder: r3.o.lencr.org, peer:, certificate: "/home/user-data/s>
2024/05/01 06:12:04 [error] 9508#9508: OCSP response not successful (6: unauthorized) while requesting certificate status, responder: r3.o.lencr.org, peer:, certificate: "/home/user-data/s>
2024/05/01 06:15:19 [error] 9508#9508: OCSP response not successful (6: unauthorized) while requesting certificate status, responder: r3.o.lencr.org, peer: [2600:1409:3c00:3::17db:4ed5]:80, certificate: "/>
2024/05/01 06:23:24 [error] 9508#9508: OCSP response not successful (6: unauthorized) while requesting certificate status, responder: r3.o.lencr.org, peer: [2600:1409:3c00:3::17db:4ed5]:80, certificate: "/>
2024/05/01 06:37:55 [error] 9508#9508: OCSP response not successful (6: unauthorized) while requesting certificate status, responder: r3.o.lencr.org, peer:, certificate: "/home/user-data/s>
2024/05/01 06:46:53 [error] 9508#9508: OCSP response not successful (6: unauthorized) while requesting certificate status, responder: r3.o.lencr.org, peer: [2600:1409:3c00:3::17db:4ed5]:80, certificate: "/>
2024/05/01 06:52:14 [crit] 1866#1866: *15 SSL_do_handshake() failed (SSL: error:0A00006C:SSL routines::bad key share) while SSL handshaking, client:, server:
2024/05/01 06:57:12 [error] 1866#1866: OCSP response not successful (6: unauthorized) while requesting certificate status, responder: r3.o.lencr.org, peer:, certificate: "/home/user-data/s>
2024/05/01 07:46:55 [error] 1866#1866: OCSP response not successful (6: unauthorized) while requesting certificate status, responder: r3.o.lencr.org, peer:, certificate: "/home/user-data/s>
2024/05/01 07:46:56 [error] 1866#1866: OCSP response not successful (6: unauthorized) while requesting certificate status, responder: r3.o.lencr.org, peer: [2600:1409:3c00:3::17db:4ec5]:80, certificate: "/>
2024/05/01 07:48:46 [crit] 1866#1866: *86 SSL_do_handshake() failed (SSL: error:0A00006C:SSL routines::bad key share) while SSL handshaking, client:, server:

That just looks to me like someone trying to prod.

It’s the internet, there will always be people prodding :wink:
Can you relate any of those log messages to you trying to access the webmail? There’s a timestamp in there to make.

Mailinabox installation folder is where the mailinabox program is stored. It is usually something like /home/<user>/mailinabox or /root/mailinabox To be sure, look at cat /usr/local/bin/mailinabox

Check questions after doing some googling:

  • Does the login page show at all? Or do you get the error after login?
  • Did you in the past do something with skins for roundcube?

Also can’t really understand why this would happen. Is this an upgraded box? If yes, we might start poking the roundcube database.

I hadn’t put in a root password yet; just installed Ubuntu 22.04 from scratch yesterday.
root@mail:~# cd mailinabox
root@mail:~/mailinabox# sudo tools/web_update
root@mail:~/mailinabox# sudo systemctl restart nginx
root@mail:~/mailinabox# exit

no change


The requested resource was not found!
Please contact your server-administrator.
Failed request: mail.ppgcloud.com/mail/

Not given chance to log in.

Looks like I accidentally deleted the login template! I had a string of commands to edit the logo of the template but since it was a brand new install, my saved source file was no longer there and the string of commands failed but not the first step of deleting the template.
Damn it. What a waste of time.

Copied the template file from my other MiaB.
CHMOD --reference=other file in there
Go to webmail and it works perfectly.
As expected when you don’t fuck it up.
Sorry for the drama on this one.

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Yeah, I was already wondering, because I could access the page just fine :wink:
Glad you got it solved. For future reference, this is exactly the kind of stuff that would be part of the answer to “Anything modified on the box?” :innocent:

Indeed. But in my mind I did not modify anything…
I did. But I didn’t think I did.

I was sloppy in handling some of my customizations that I can do pretty quickly after a regular update. Not appropriate behavior when you do a major update that includes installing Ubuntu from scratch.

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