Hi, i wish to make a decision on my email server from manual postfixadmin, postfix…etc to Mail-in-a-box.
i have few questions tho.
#1 is it possible to separate the admin panel and webmail to be handled with other vm?
#2 is it possible to use an existing mysql server on another vm for database?
All for now. Thanks in advance.
No. But yes, anything is possible, but not really. Why would you want to separate the admin panel and webmail? Please elaborate what your end goal would be.
For example, webmail is really nothing but another email client - specifically one hosted online rather than on your mobile phone or desktop computer. You can absolutely host other webmail clients and have them communicate with MiaB.
I am assuming that you think that MiaB uses a database such as MySql or MariaDB. It does not. It uses sql-lite. So, your question is irrelevant as far as MiaB is concerned.
Keep em coming … but really, what is your end goal? It may be easier to just get there first and work backwards.
Another random example … there is an admin tool for adding and deleting mailbox users which both splits the task so that each domain may be segregated, and is hosted offsite. This is not a part of MiaB specifically, but something created by a member of the community.
Hi, thanks for your input.
My goal is simply to break things into modules, vm for hosting, vm only for email note only mail not webmail, or admin panel because that would go under hosting vm.
Since its using sqlite there not an issue, no need to use storage vm.
So, i took a quick look at the documentation, not really docs but it dose guide through. And i have not seen how can i make my current structure work with it. Appreciate input here.
So i use domain.com without subdomain to handle emails server, with mx records that points correctly. And i use subdomain for webmail and on other setup, i have sub.domain. com for email server and domain. com for webmail, and of course since poatfixadmin in out case here would be admin panel hosted as virtual host can just enable/disable it whenever needed.
Can you point me to the url of the community mentioned plugin, and please feel free to share url to other resources, because am on stage of making decision now for this email server setup.
Thanks once again.
Well, this is open to opinion … if your goal is to have no web access to the vm which the email is on, you can certainly turn off access via the firewall and simply deny ports 80/443. As I mentioned earlier, you can run your own install of roundcube, or rainloop, or some other webmail client elsewhere if you wish. That is not a problem.
I do think that you are going to have a problem if you want to totally eliminate the ability for the admin area to be accessed on the vps with MiaB installed. Everything is too meshed together to split it apart - if that is your goal simply install the pieces and configure them.
You can access the various admin functions via the command line or API. But honestly, you are just creating extra work for yourself. Install MiaB the way it is designed and simply do not tell clients how to access its webmail but rather the webmail you are hosting elsewhere …
I trust that you have looked at the project’s GitHub. If not, you should.
I am sorry, I don’t really follow what you are doing as it is seemingly not the ‘normal’ way of doing things. Each vm should have a host name … your mail server will have a host name, so your mail server will be mail.domain.com (as an example). The ONLY way that you are going to have the mail server run on the root domain is if you have a separate domain for email only OR your domain does not have a website accessible as https://domain.com.
If an email only domain you can install MiaB on the apex without too much difficulty.
You also mention postfixadmin. MiaB does not use postfixadmin. It has its own control panel.
I completely get your point.
am trying to have something somehow similar to gmail .com structure.
i will have a whole domain for the mail server lets assume. domain .com
where email will be handeled by lets assume. box .domain .com
and the web-mail will be handled by domain . com/whatever_webmail
i can not confirm, if this is going to be ok, because am having trouble with the installation part.
note: also i plan to have an mailgun
relay for outbound, but not to worry about right now.
Have you looked at mailcow or Modoboa?
MiaB is intended to be only what it is, with minimal customization options. There is a good chance you will spend more time generating unsupported configurations for your MiaB installation that learning to use more configurable tools.
i understand, according to @alento
Well, this is open to opinion … if your goal is to have no web access to the vm which the email is on, you can certainly turn off access via the firewall and simply deny ports 80/443. As I mentioned earlier, you can run your own install of roundcube, or rainloop, or some other webmail client elsewhere if you wish. That is not a problem.
i should be fine just doing that. plus mailcow
use docker which not suitable for me. and Modoboa
very slow with updates. so my choice for now is miab
but off-course if i get to install.
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