So basically I have many problem because this “web” section doesn’t have delete option. Ofc you can change folder, but I don’t want to do that because it will not fix my problem. If you have domain like and you use that on mail. It automatically do and and you can’t delete local.conf manually because software will rewrite it…
You are agains it because noob software? Yes I agree, software is litle stupid. I have 5 years experience linux and windows server hosting. I need apache2 because php/.htaccess and I don’t wanna many diffrent server btw
As a general rule, Mail-in-a-Box boxes aren’t supposed to be modified because any undocumented changes could break Mail-in-a-Box functionality, and it’s much harder for folks in our community to provide support when people start making changes to their boxes. You are, of course, welcome to do whatever you like on your own box, but @murgero’s recommendation is that if you do so you’re likely to break something about Mail-in-a-Box, you’re not likely to get much additional help here, and when things break no one will be able to help you.