Warning: TLS library problem when trying to send mail from PHPMailer after upgrade

Yup, definitely what I need to do soon. But I don’t want to risk a cascade of dependency failures (openssl -> php -> our application, for example) on my live server when we are nowhere near ready to fully upgrade our application.

As a temporary patch until we can prepare our upgrade, I’ve made the following changes in MiaB to allow TLS1 and TLS1.1:

Edit /etc/postfix/main.cf:

Change the smtpd_tls_mandatory_protocols and smtp_tls_mandatory_protocols to:


Comment out the mandatory_ciphers settings:


Save and restart postfix:

sudo /etc/init.d/postfix restart

These changes will not persist after any further updates to MiaB, so it’s important to regard this as a temporary stopgap solution.