Use MiaB and DO DNS

Hi guys,

I’m new here. I have two droplets at DO, one running MiaB and the other one running some javascripts and other microservices, including my website.

I followed the guide and all checks passes yay! However, I want MiaB DNS to just manage the email services, and pass everything else to DO, because I prefer to manage the DNS there.

I tried configuring the MiaB custom DNS seconday nameserver as, but then some problems appeared. The root domain check says:
Nameservers are set correctly at registrar. [;;;]
Secondary nameserver is not configured correctly. (It resolved this domain as yy.yy.yy.yy. It should be xx.xx.xx.xx.)
Secondary nameserver is not configured correctly. (It resolved this domain as yy.yy.yy.yy. It should be xx.xx.xx.xx.)
Secondary nameserver is not configured correctly. (It resolved this domain as yy.yy.yy.yy. It should be xx.xx.xx.xx.)

Yes, DO DNS is pointing my root domain to my other droplet, which is what I expected. But, if I try to enter in my root domain, it redirects me to the MiaB page saying:

this is a mail-in-a-box

take control of your email at

Also, (which is under instructions as my webmail) doesn’t work, neither does, but works. I think I miss some configuration, however I followed the guide.

Finally, if I try to enter (which it’s a server listening in my other droplet) it works fine, and this A is just configured under the DO DNS. So, I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong.

In resume, I want to keep using DO to manage the DNS, and MiaB just to manage the email DNS.

Thanks in advance for helping

My recommendation is to have MiaB on a domain just for MiaB. The amount of time this saves is easily worth $12/year.

Then just configure the other domains on preferred DNS server with MiaB just being their mail server.

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I see, but I’d like to stick with my domain. I’m thinking on using the external DNS way, passing all conf to DO. Is there a way to export all keys and values?

Edit: Working now using the external DNS

No, you are going to have to enter everything manually. There is a way to achieve this … see my next reply.
The way you have things set up now is incorrect. You need to remove the references to DO in your secondary name server field on MiaB.

No, it is really not. It may just appear to be but your DNS will actually be horribly broken … but it will still work. Inconsistently.

Digital Ocean DOES NOT offer secondary DNS. Their service is Primary DNS only. I suggest removing these entries completely. I can show you a better way to achieve what you want to achieve tomorrow. For now it is late. Please PM me your domain name so I can check that my option is do-able.

Hey, thanks for replying.

So, I removed every nameserver from MiaB, and passed all A, TXT, SRV, MX… to DO. It’s working fine, but I had to enter all entries manually in the DO DNS. It’s working fine the email, and passes are OK.


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Yes, unfortunately this is the downside of External DNS. Having to enter the records manually. But the upside is that you only have to do it once! :slight_smile:

After thinking on it overnight, the idea I had would not have worked, so it is good you did this.

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