Update broke mailinabox

So I pulled master since a long time to get all the latest improvements. But it broke my mailinabox. In /admin status checks report DNS issues like:

Nameserver glue records are incorrect. The ns1.box.fuess.nl and 
ns2.box.fuess.nl nameservers must be configured at your domain name registrar as having the IP address They currently 
report addresses of [Not Set]/[Not Set]. It may take several hours for public DNS to update after a change.


This domain must resolve to your box's IP address ( in public DNS but it currently resolves to [Not Set]. It may take several hours for public DNS to update after a change. This problem may result from other issues listed here.

This was all working before. I’m at commit 43fe2fe
What’s wrong here?

Sounds like nsd4/bind aren’t playing nicely and bind isn’t running, resulting in dns lookup failures.

On the box, does dig @localhost google.com work?

I’d also just try rebooting.

Yep already tried rebooting. dig’s output:

;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 22404
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 6, AUTHORITY: 4, ADDITIONAL: 5

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096
;google.com.            IN    A

google.com.        300    IN    A

Uh then I don’t know. dig indicates that’s working. Something may be weird in the Python code doing DNS checks then.

Hmm, this seems to be the same problem as here: Adding extra domain doesn’t work, except that rebooting doesn’t help.

syslog is full of:

Aug 30 16:42:24 box named[11994]: error (connection refused) resolving 'box.fuess.nl/A/IN':
Aug 30 16:42:24 box named[11994]: error (connection refused) resolving 'box.fuess.nl/A/IN':
Aug 30 16:42:24 box named[11994]: error (connection refused) resolving 'fuess.nl/NS/IN':
Aug 30 16:42:24 box named[11994]: error (connection refused) resolving 'fuess.nl/NS/IN':

for the domains I’m managing.

Looks like named and nsd are conflicting again. What to do? I would really like mailinabox running smooth again :smile:

some extra info:

$ sudo lsof -i :53
named   11994     bind   20u  IPv4  34681      0t0  TCP localhost:domain (LISTEN)
named   11994     bind  512u  IPv4  34680      0t0  UDP localhost:domain 
nginx   21879 www-data   10u  IPv4  47205      0t0  UDP box.fuess.nl:48809->google-public-dns-a.google.com:domain 

$ sudo netstat -tulpn | grep :53
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      11994/named     
udp        0      0  *                           11994/named
$ sudo netstat -tulpn

gives no mentions of nsd running.

sudo service nsd stop

results in:

stop: Unknown instance:

Stopping bind9 and then starting nsd results in (in syslog):

Aug 30 16:57:09 box nsd[22217]: can't bind udp socket: Invalid argument
Aug 30 16:57:09 box nsd[22217]: server initialization failed, nsd could not be started

Any help is greatly appreciated!

I think the problem is here:

Aug 30 16:57:09 box nsd[22217]: can’t bind udp socket: Invalid argument

Can you paste /etc/nsd/nsd.conf (you can omit the zone parts)?

$ cat /etc/nsd/nsd.conf

  hide-version: yes

  # identify the server (CH TXT ID.SERVER entry).
  identity: ""

  # The directory for zonefile: files.
  zonesdir: "/etc/nsd/zones"
  ip-address: fe80::5054:ff:fedc:ed52

Don’t know that 2nd ipv6 address. It’s not the one I entered during setup.

It’s the machine’s IPv6 address on the local network, which is auto-detected (in setup/functions.sh) by running:

ip -6 -o route get 2001:4860:4860::8888 | sed “s/.* src ([^ ])./\1/”

It should match something in the output of ifconfig.

If it is a valid local IPv6 address, I don’t know why nsd won’t bind to it. IPv6 is weird.

Maybe the solution is to not have nsd listening on IPv6 addresses for now (in management/dns_update.py) I think it really only has to listen on the IPv4 address anyway since that’s the address used in our DNS settings for nameservers.

Well, that command (ip -6…) returns this error:

sed: -e expression #1, char 20: invalid reference \1 on `s' command's RHS

The ipv6 address is in my ifconfig:

eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 52:54:00:dc:ed:52  
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: fe80::5054:ff:fedc:ed52/64 Scope:Link

But not on the local network interface:

lo        Link encap:Local Loopback  
          inet addr:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host

But I really have no idea if that is OK or not.

Should I remove the ipv6 entry from nsd.conf for now?

Ok, I removed the IPv6 address from nsd.conf and now everything works again. (until the next time I run start.sh probably)

Actually it’ll reset within the next 24 hours – it’s on a cron job.

Can you try plugging in fe80::5054:ff:fedc:ed52%eth0 (adds %eth0) into nsd.conf?

Seems like an IPv6 address isn’t actually always sufficient for opening a connection. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12260003/connect-returns-invalid-argument-with-ipv6-adress

That seems to work :smile: I restarted nsd and the mailinabox service (to be sure) and everything works fine.


I committed a fix at https://github.com/mail-in-a-box/mailinabox/commit/cfffb38508fc85a1d2d3cd452a2086c2d9278373.

Awesome, thanks! Will pull it.

That explains why my machine broke after initially working.

I now had to add some lines (with customized paths in comparison to the source link) to /etc/nsd/nsd.conf to get it working again in my IPv4-only environment:

  hide-version: yes

  # identify the server (CH TXT ID.SERVER entry).
  identity: ""

  # The directory for zonefile: files.
  zonesdir: "/etc/nsd/zones"
  ip-address: <<YOUR PUBLIC IP>>
  # ip-address: ::1 # note the manually disabled IPv6


    # nsd server key file for remote control.
  server-key-file: "/etc/nsd/nsd_server.key"

    # nsd server certificate file for remote control.
  server-cert-file: "/etc/nsd/nsd_server.pem"

    # nsd-control key file.
  control-key-file: "/etc/nsd/nsd_control.key"

    # nsd-control certificate file.
  control-cert-file: "/etc/nsd/nsd_control.pem"

How can I make this change permanent?

I don’t know if

helped to solve

I also propose to give this thread a more meaningful title in relation to nsd.

Let’s start a new thread. Can you paste your nsd.conf that Mail-in-a-Box creates so I can see what you changed?

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Hi, I keep having issues with ipv6 and nsd. The IPv6 address in nsd.conf doesn’t have the ‘%eth0’ anymore (since a long time by the way). And to get everything working I have to remove the ipv6 address (or add %eth0 but didn’t test that). Stop/starting nsd, bind9. Until of course the next day.

What to do?

Can you paste your ipv6 address and any errors nsd has when starting? What’s the problem when the ipv6 address is there? Not every address needs %eth0, btw.

This is the ipv6:


What happens is that nsd is not running, so the box is not available to the outside world. Pingability says it can’t find A records for the domains I’m running. When I try to start it, the log says:

Dec 13 12:14:08 box nsd[27927]: can't bind udp socket: Cannot assign requested address
Dec 13 12:14:08 box nsd[27927]: server initialization failed, nsd could not be started
Dec 13 12:14:08 box kernel: [9084699.249470] init: nsd main process (27927) terminated with status 1
Dec 13 12:14:08 box kernel: [9084699.249484] init: nsd main process ended, respawning

I think that happens because named is already running on port 53:

$ sudo lsof -i :53
named   17474     bind   20u  IPv4 6286001      0t0  TCP localhost:domain (LISTEN)
named   17474     bind  512u  IPv4 6286000      0t0  UDP localhost:domain

So what I do to make fix it temporarily is:

  1. Remove ipv6 from nsd.conf
  2. Stop bind9
  3. Start nsd
  4. Start bind9

Then both nsd and bind9 are running on port 53.

Sorry, also paste ifconfig's output? (Just the relevant interface is fine.)