Unable to install MiaB


I wanted to test Mail in a box so I went to AWS and created a free instance, when I try to install MiaB nothing happened not even a single error occurred.

I tried on Ubuntu 20 and 22 with x64

Can you provide the exact commands (and apparent lack of output) you used to login to the VPS and install the MiaB?

root@ip-10-10-10-29:~# curl -s https://mailinabox.email/setup.sh | sudo -E bash

That’s weird. Can you run as follows? (note added -x, this should add trace information)
curl -s https://mailinabox.email/setup.sh | sudo -E bash -x

@Ruso Since you are logged already as root I would try running the script without sudo:
curl -s https://mailinabox.email/setup.sh | bash

or better: wget https://mailinabox.email/setup.sh

I don’t recommend executing scripts directly from the web but instead download and inspect them first.

bash ./setup.sh

Thank you, I was able to install MaiB.

New issue, When I navigated to TLS certificate, I didn’t find the provision button!

A record is already configured 3 days ago

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