[SOLVED] The latest release of duplicity is missing the duplicity binary

A workaround has been posted on the duplicity issues page:

The PPAs on Launchpad named duplicity-develop-git and duplicity-release-git do not have the entry point script for duplicity installed, so you will get an error trying to run directly, i.e. /usr/local/bin/duplicity.

Thankfully, it is installed as a module, so it can be invoked as python3 -m duplicity --version.

There are a couple of workarounds that should work, a short alias like:

alias duplicity='python3 -m duplicity'

or as a shell script:

python3 -m duplicity $@

Personally I’ll be taking the shell-script-wrapper approach:

root@mailbox:~# vi /usr/bin/duplicity
root@mailbox:~# chmod a+x /usr/bin/duplicity
root@mailbox:~# duplicity --version
duplicity 2.2.0 January 17, 2024