System Status Check - Something went wrong, sorry. v0.29

Hello, after upgrading to v0.29 my System Status Check will not work anymore. the following error message always appears.

Something went wrong, sorry.

What can I do there?

Many Thanks.

Can you give us anything else? Maybe a screenshot?

Could you try accessing it through a desktop? I have a feeling it is because of your mobile device.

I also tried it on the computer, the same problem, even different browsers tested without success. Also, I tested on different OS without success. “sudo mailinabox” also made several times, everything went through without error message, as if everything was ok. But the error remains, I have no desire to re-install everything.

I’m not sure what the problem is. “sudo mailinabox” shouldn’t do the trick, you should try re-imaging your machine (really fast if you’re using Digital Ocean), and using the mailinabox install command.

Just because the system check is not working should I reinstall? This is a help forum there has to be another way. I’ll wait for the answers from the specialists.

Did you upgrade from v 0.28 or another version?
Are you able to reach ANY admin pages, or is the ‘something went wrong’ message only on the status checks page?

Hey, I had recently got done with working with maintainer to try to get MIAB to work on Ubuntu 18.04. Would you mind please trying to install it? Maybe it will work for you. Be warned, it’s a development build.

git clone --single-branch -b ubuntu_bionic
cd mailinabox/
bash setup/

I used the version v0.29-34-g71f1c92 and install it in vm (ubuntu 18.04). it works very well

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