I’m trying to figure out if Mail-in-a-box supports .dk domains as the TLD “owner” dk-hostmaster has to validate/authorize all nameservers for the .dk domain.
I have my domain names registred with gratisdns.dk, which supports Hidden Primary DNS. I’m thinking that by utilising this with mail-in-a-box I should be able to run the actual nameserver on the mail-in-a-box, but have GratisDNS.dk’s nameservers be the official servers towards dk-hostmaster (SOA).
From gratisdns’ support page I have found the following (in danish): https://larsendata.wiki/gratisdns:hiddenprimary. A rough translation below with risk of my DNS knowledge mangling it even further:
Their example BIND file uses the following details:
DNS server’s IP:, web server’s IP: and domain: domæne.dk (DNS: xn–domne-ura.dk)
Which results in a BIND conf that would be on the mail-in-a-box:
; Dropzone from GratisDNS.dk
xn--domne-ura.dk 43200 IN SOA ns1.gratisdns.dk. hostmaster.xn--domne-ura.dk. (
serial 2004010101
localhost.xn--domne-ura.dk 43200 IN A
xn--domne-ura.dk 43200 IN MX 10 xn--domne-ura.dk.
xn--domne-ura.dk 43200 IN A
www.xn--domne-ura.dk 43200 IN CNAME xn--domne-ura.dk.
xn--domne-ura.dk 43200 IN NS ns5.gratisdns.dk.
xn--domne-ura.dk 43200 IN NS ns4.gratisdns.dk.
xn--domne-ura.dk 43200 IN NS ns3.gratisdns.dk.
xn--domne-ura.dk 43200 IN NS ns2.gratisdns.dk.
xn--domne-ura.dk 43200 IN NS ns1.gratisdns.dk.
And they then list the following things to note:
- You must increase the serial by one each time you change your zone file
- You must allow free access for zone transfer (AXFR) of the zone, at least to the ip address related to axfr.gratisdns.dk.
- That a serial is formatted as a date YYYYMMDDXX, where XX is the revision number for the day and the serial must be 10 numbers long
- That a serial set to high is difficult to adjust down again
So is this possible to handle with mail-in-a-box or should I go look for a mail box solution that doesn’t rely on hosting the DNS server aswell?