Suggestions about cert renewal

Mailinabox is an awesome tool!! Thanks for making it available!!

A couple of suggestions about cert renewal:

  1. There’s no reason to attempt to renew certs every night, once or twice a week is sufficient. Letsencrypt will allow renewals 30 days ahead of expiration, so renewal attempts once a week would have 3 or 4 opportunities to work on a weekly renewal schedule. The problem with attempting renewal every night, is if it fails - in my case because my DNS servers are external to the box - then I can’t fix it manually myself because Letsencrypt won’t allow more than 5 attempts in a week to renew. So I was blocked from manually fixing the problems myself and and had to disable your nightly attempt for several days.

  2. If a box has DNS configured on external servers, could you NOT attempt cert renewal using DNS?
    The easiest way I’ve found to do Letsencrypt renewals without DNS is:
    /etc/init.d/nginx stop
    certbot-auto certonly -n --standalone -d servername.domainName
    /etc/init.d/nginx start
    Only takes a couple of seconds to run - downtime is minimal and it works very reliably.

Thanks again for the great project!!

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We attempt renewal between 14 and 30 days ahead of expiration:

As long as there are 3 or 4 attempts, I’m fine with reducing the frequency.

  1. If a box has DNS configured on external servers, could you NOT attempt cert renewal using DNS?

One has nothing to do with the other. Cert renewal on the box does not require that DNS be hosted on the box. (We use HTTP validation.)