Subject: SSL Certificate Not Automatically Generated for Subdomain

Hello ,
e recently added a new subdomain (e.g., to my Mail-in-a-Box setup and configured its DNS settings through the custom DNS feature. However, I noticed that an SSL certificate was not automatically generated for this subdomain, even though certificates were generated for other domains in my setup.

Could you please clarify if SSL certificates are meant to be generated automatically for subdomains added this way? If not, could you guide me on how I can manually generate or enforce SSL certificate creation for this subdomain using Mail-in-a-Box?

Thank you for your assistance.

Best regards,

Samuel Olavo

if you use that domain have nothing to do with services inside MIAB itself, then certs for it is not requested automatically. MIAB then acts only as a DNS server and have nothing to do with certs. Generally, they must be requested from that server or by that service, where this domain name is actually used.

If this name pointing to some nonrelated service in MIAB (random DNS name forward to webmail for example), then certificate can be requested with additional scripts.

If you do not host your

in MIAB (miab is capable of hosting simple html pages on server)

Then you generate the certificates on the server where you pointed the additional domain (custom A and AAAA records pointing outside MIAB)?
Is this your question. Please be more specific. Otherwise MIAB will generate certificates for the subdomain if hosted in MIAB.
Visit the MIAB Admin Page and look for the Certificates. See if the subdomain is listed there and hit Provision.