Strange entries in mail.log

Note: Couldn’t post this in original format as “New users are limited to two links per post” So I’ve stripped all the domain and IP from the log file… what a pain in the ass… hope you can still read it.

First let me say thanks for a great product installed very easy… to easy… makes me distrust the install :slight_smile: Hence me checking the log…

  1. You should probably config so that your own e-mails are not blocked…

Aug 25 13:23:26 box postfix/smtpd[3935]: connect from occams[IP]
Aug 25 13:23:28 box postgrey[1801]: action=greylist, reason=new, client_name=occams, client_address=IP, sender=notifications, recipient=admin
Aug 25 13:23:28 box postfix/smtpd[3935]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from occams[IP]: 450 4.2.0 : Recipient address rejected: Greylisted, see Postgrey Help; from= to= proto=ESMTP helo=
Aug 25 13:23:28 box postfix/smtpd[3935]: disconnect from occams[IP]

Also, how can I set it so that your e-mail would have went into junk/spam instead of not being delivered at all? I have real anxiety about not receiving e-mails… It is a sickness…

  1. What are these postfix warnings? The hostname and IP are correct for this box… Should I be worried?

Aug 25 13:08:57 box postfix/smtpd[2505]: warning: hostname box does not resolve to address IP
Aug 25 13:08:57 box postfix/smtpd[2505]: connect from unknown[IP]
Aug 25 13:08:57 box postfix/smtpd[2505]: lost connection after CONNECT from unknown[IP]
Aug 25 13:08:57 box postfix/smtpd[2505]: disconnect from unknown[IP]
Aug 25 13:08:57 lmtp(3203): Info: Connect from IP
Aug 25 13:08:57 box postfix/submission/smtpd[2508]: warning: hostname box does not resolve to address IP
Aug 25 13:08:57 box postfix/submission/smtpd[2508]: connect from unknown[IP]
Aug 25 13:08:57 box postfix/submission/smtpd[2508]: lost connection after CONNECT from unknown[IP]
Aug 25 13:08:57 box postfix/submission/smtpd[2508]: disconnect from unknown[IP]
Aug 25 13:08:57 lmtp(3203): Info: Disconnect from IP: Connection closed (in banner)

  1. Who is this “Jane” and what do these entries mean?

Aug 24 17:46:31 box postfix/pickup[1912]: E4880A09F8: uid=1001 from=
Aug 24 17:46:32 box postfix/qmgr[1913]: E4880A09F8: from=, size=586, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Aug 24 17:46:32 box postfix/lmtp[3868]: 225F9A09FA: to=, relay=IP[IP]:10025, delay=0.06, delays=0/0/0.02/0.04, dsn=5.1.1, status=bounced (host IP[IP] said: 550 5.1.1 User doesn’t exist: jane (in reply to RCPT TO command))
Aug 24 17:50:03 box postfix/pickup[1912]: 088EAA09FA: uid=1001 from=
Aug 24 17:50:03 box postfix/qmgr[1913]: 088EAA09FA: from=, size=577, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Aug 24 17:50:03 box postfix/lmtp[4289]: 367B0A09FB: to=, relay=IP[IP]:10025, delay=0.07, delays=0.01/0/0.02/0.04, dsn=5.1.1, status=bounced (host IP[IP] said: 550 5.1.1 User doesn’t exist: jane (in reply to RCPT TO command))
Aug 24 21:29:45 box postfix/pickup[11226]: EBE59A09F3: uid=1001 from=
Aug 24 21:29:46 box postfix/qmgr[1737]: EBE59A09F3: from=, size=561, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Aug 24 21:29:46 box postfix/lmtp[19288]: 23B00A0A02: to=, relay=IP[IP]:10025, delay=0.06, delays=0/0/0.01/0.04, dsn=5.1.1, status=bounced (host IP[IP] said: 550 5.1.1 User doesn’t exist: jane (in reply to RCPT TO command))

Thanks again guys for a great product. I’ve been wanting to setup a mail server for a long time now.

That’s greylisting. Click the link in the log message for more about that. It’s normal.

I’m not sure.

Looks like a spammer trying to send spam.

But I think it is an internal call… I had to strip the IP info because of the posting limitation before. Let me try again.

This one is from this morning and instead of user “jane” it is “root”

Aug 26 07:20:59 lmtp(6038): Info: Connect from
Aug 26 07:20:59 box postfix/lmtp[6037]: 44026A0A93:, relay=[]:10025, delay=0.06, delays=0.01/0/0.02/0.0
4, dsn=5.1.1, status=bounced (host[] said: 550 5.1.1 User doesn’t exist: (in re
ply to RCPT TO command))
Aug 26 07:20:59 lmtp(6038): Info: Disconnect from Successful quit

Does the MiaB setup send a daily status? Or send a change notice? If so I haven’t received anything and I wonder if this is what is being attempted…

There may be some emails going to a root@ account that aren’t important. You can make the address an alias if you want to capture them. (I do, but it has never had anything important.)

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