Static Web Hosting - Blog?

Anyone using the Static Web Hosting to also run a Blog?

Or can you recommend how and which “Blog” platform to use with MIAB set-up
and also it will not compromise the security/integrity of MIAB at the same time?

I have found the BashBlog

that looks interesting, but not sure it would work with MIAB …

Any ideas/pointers/constructive criticism is welcome.

bashblog I use it. without miab.

Raspberry pi host.

That looks awesome,

But I wanted to utilize the “Static Web Hosting” that MIAB offers …

I have checked the script out and it seems to generate the necessary html and css files in the directory it is run in, it should work if you copy the script to /home/user-data/www/default and run it from there, (you will probably need to change the permissions on the directory) apart from that the script should work as normal.

Anything that produces static html/css/jpg/etc files should work - you just copy all the files into your MIAB’s web directory (by default /home/user-data/www/default).

Any program that wants to execute server-side scripts won’t work, or at least would be a huge amount of work, will clash with MIAB, and is unsupported.

Personally, I’d stay away from software that wants to manage the server’s web directory, just because I wouldn’t trust that lots of config and local/private files wouldn’t also be published inadvertently.

My preference would be to keep the “master” copy of your blog elsewhere (perhaps your PC), update that as desired, and when you’re happy with each update, rsync the master files across to the MIAB web directory. I’d set-up a little rsync script that you can run at any time and that copies your blog directory across to MIAB’s web directory.

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