Saw ‘Vultr’ currently offers (during BETA) 50Gb of their ‘Block Storage expansion’ for FREE to be linked to a current instance at their NY/NJ location then…
I built a new 768MB instance here and got my additional 50Gb’s as an additional disk that I have now created & formated as ‘/dev/vdb1’ and they helped me to understand how to symlink the new default: /mnt/blockstorage/files to: /home/user-data/owncloud/ (where this last one is a symlink to the first one)…
Needing to know if the mentioned symlink will be or will never be overwritten after a MiaB update/ upgrade.
How to make ‘owncloud’ to report the correct size under the ‘Personal’ view (still reporting the 11.8Gb that corresponds to the main /default ‘/dev/vda1’ disk space.
Not quite related, but I’m not seeing any “50GB free” offer. I see them adding $5 to your account for signing up, but that’s not really the same thing.
[SOLVED] Thanks @JoshData for the given guidelines…
Finally solved both questions by:
creating /mnt/blockstorage/owncloud folder
copying default /home/user-data/owncloud to /mnt/blockstorage/owncloud
chown -R www-data:www-data /mnt/blockstorage
double-checked * /mnt/blockstorage /* folders & files are CHMOD 0755 and 0644 respectively.
creating the symlink as ln -s /mnt/blockstorage/owncloud /home/user-data/owncloud
Note: With the symlink /home/user-data/owncloud pointing to /mnt/blockstorage/owncloud fix the ‘block storage’ 50Gb mounted disk to be used for ‘owncloud’ data, only and keeps the default (remaining) 11.8Gb disk for emails.