[SOLVED] The latest release of duplicity is missing the duplicity binary

Not to worry - snaps update themselves daily!

Also, I was able to confirm that backup.py directly references /usr/bin/duplicity so that symlink is a needed step. I’ve updated the solution edited into the top post. Thanks again!

$ grep \/usr\/bin\/duplicity mailinabox/management/backup.py

SOLVED: Install duplicity via snap. See my update here.

tl;dr: Uninstall the git PPA of duplicity and install the stable snap release:

$ sudo apt remove duplicity
$ sudo rm -rf /etc/apt/sources.list.d/duplicity-team-ubuntu-duplicity-release-git-jammy.list
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo snap install duplicity --classic
$ sudo ln -s /snap/bin/duplicity /usr/bin/duplicity
$ duplicity --version
duplicity 2.2.0 January 17, 2024

Edit 01 Feb 2024: I realized that an update of MiaB would probably reinstall duplicity on top of our snap symlink. So you’ll also want to block duplicity from being installed via apt. We do this by creating an apt preference file:

$ sudo echo -e "# Duplicity is installed via snap\nPackage: duplicity\nPin: release *\nPin-Priority: -1" > /etc/apt/preferences.d/duplicity