Is it possible to update SpamAssassin from Version 3.4.0 (2014) to 3.4.1 (2015) with a next MiaB roll-out? Or does this makes no sense/is too much work? I`ve seen that they improved some things that are maybe useful in fighting spam for MiaB users.
I believe we track the ubuntu package:
@michaelkroes Thank you! Is it possible to update to Version 3.4.1 in a future rollout of MiaB or can`t this be done because of packet dependencies? 3.4.1 has some improved bayesian classification, tweaks to the SPF support to block more spoofed emails etc.
We could track a non ubuntu ppa, but this would mean increased maintenance and manual checking for security updates. So, not likely.
Okay, I see. Strange that Ubuntu 14.04 LTS did not updated this package as it seems here. But my knowledge is very limited about this subject(s). Thanks @michaelkroes
We’re jailed with ubuntu 14.04 (trusty) then spamassassin 3.4.0 is latest. Isn’t It?
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