[SOLVED] How To create a NO INBOX email address like noreply@mydomain.xyz?

Surely must be easy but… I’m trying to guess how to create a noreply[@]mydomain.xyz email address to be used for some notifications being send from my website but I can’t see how to… Obviously this email address can’t have inbox enabled to avoid unwanted replies to those messages. Could you guide me to achieve that or perhaps you would not recommend to use this type of email addresses?

I don’t think you’re going to get a reply on how to do this as MIAB is intended not to be modified, and it does not support this out of the box.

Just set an out of office on the no-reply account saying that the email was ignored.

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Seeing will not be possible within MiaB, I’ll try to follow your way plus adding a delete after 1 day its INBOX folder.

@benmaynard Thanks for your help!

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You can always follow some of the other suggestions in this forum to disable it (remove: reject_authenticated_sender_login_mismatch) from /etc/postfix/main.cf, but that is not supported. I personally disable the outbound check for the same reasons, but it will come back anytime you do an update.

OR, another solution is to create an alias (donotreply@xxxxx.com) send out the email, and then delete the alias. That’s not a good solution if you have to send out often though.

I would suggest hooking up https://mailgun.com

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