I set up my system with box.whateverismydomain.com and subsequently screwed up my free startssl cert request. Rather than spend $25 to revoke it, I’m trying to create mail.whateverismydomain.com as a primary mail interface, and then I’ll request a cert for that.
Unfortunately I can’t find a way to get mailinabox to recognize “mail.whateverismydomain.com” as a secondary domain under mailinabox’s ssl certificates menu.
I tried:
- Adding a dummy mail use (dummy@mail.whateverismydomain.com)
- Creating an A-name record for mail.whateverismydomain.com
- Deleting that and creating a CNAME for mail.whateverismydomain.com
Nothing seems to get it listed as a separate virtual domain. I can probably hack it with nginx’s config files, but I don’t know if the web gui will recognize it, or if it will be overwritten with an upgrade.