SMTP only STARTTLS but SSL/TLS required


i´ve installed mailinabox on my server. Works great!
But i have one problem.

My Printer (Kinica Minolta C35) have a “scan to email” function.
Now i try to configure that function.

In the configuration menu i have only one option for SMTP encryption “SSL/TLS”
But mailinanox use “STARTTLS”

Is it makeable to use on SMTP “SSL/TLS” in mailinabox ?


EDIT 190517-1453 GMT/UTC | Wrong guidelines given then, deleted.

A potential fix here … but be aware that this is a completely unsupported modification:

Are you sure there is not a drop down menu next to SSL/TLS that gives you a choice of SMTP over SSL or Start TLS

While I couldn’t find your particular model I did see a video for a couple of different Konica Printers which do offer that option.


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