I’m attempting to smtp from a server to my MIAB from a MIAB address hosted on the same MIAB. I’m unsure why its not working as when I switch to gmail credentials it works.
I am not understanding … can you elaborate please?
I THINK what you are saying is that you are attempting to authenticate with a user on your MiaB to your MiaB … and it is not working?
And what does Gmail have to do with it?
From the logs that you have posted … (it is hard to tell what you have obsfucated and what you have not) … it appears that you are attempting to log in with a device on your network without a internet routable domain name …
Correct. zoneminder.lan is where I’m logging in from and I do realize that it is not internet routable or a valid domain name (I don’t want it routable, etc). IE .lan is behind pfSense and MIAB is on Linode. How would I go about allowing it?
@alento Technically it is a valid domain name and a “.com” or other shouldn’t be required as smtp works just fine when using gmail credentials but MIAB gives that error in the original post.
The standard that matters is the one that MiaB follows which is
reject_unknown_sender_domain Reject the request when Postfix is not final destination for the sender address, and the MAIL FROM domain has 1) no DNS MX and no DNS A record
If this is the case, then you should be using an alias in your MiaB for root@zoneminder.lan which is an alias to the miab user that you are using to authenticate.
Because the sender of the mail (envelope address) is root@zoneminder.lan.
At least that is what you are showing in the log entry in the OP.
You have to authenticate with a valid user account … and any email sent using that authenticated user must come from an alias that allows mail to be sent on its behalf by the authenticated sender (or itself).
I got it working by adding an alias but I’d have to do that for every different host… unless there is a better way that I don’t know of. IE hosts would be like (zoneminder.lan, ansible.lan, etc).